Why You Haven't You Heard of Meishan Pork Before Now

Meishan - (pronounced may-shaun) was a name I had never heard of just a few short years ago either. Now, our customers proudly proclaim the title of "meat snob" after eating Meishan pork and rave about the difference. Let's see if I can explain how this buzz came to be:
- Where did this pig come from? They originated from China with documentation as old as 5,000 years. It was the choice of emperors. In fact, today in China, only the Chinese government is allowed to own the boars.
- How did these pigs get to the US? 99 pigs from the Taihu region of China, 1 of the breeds being the Meishan, were brought to the US in the late 1980's for research. Those pigs were split equally into 3 herds at 3 different research facilities.
- Why am I just now hearing about them? 2 of those US research facilities never released any pigs until they dispersed their herds in 2016. 1 of them did disperse earlier and the pigs scattered. The 2 facilities that released their pigs were bought by the same person, giving foundation for the revival of the Meishan.
- And what does that have to do with what you have today? The 2 research facilities that released their stock came with genetic proof that their herds experienced genetic drift, making them genetically unique to each research facility. That uniqueness provided the foundation to the American Meishan Breeders Association to revive these almost lost genetics I use today. Jensen Reserve only works with registered Meishan stock as genetic crosses may not carry the unique Meishan characteristics.
- Why should you choose Meishan? Simple, Meishan pork has it's own unique taste and flavor profile. My customers comment that it tastes more like steak than pork and it's reminiscent to dark meat flavor in other meats. Many are shocked that Meishan fat is not a bad word. It too is flavorful and light.
Are you ready to #makeminemeishan today? Stop by my store in Loganville, Ga on one of our Select Open Weekends or Check my website for availability!