Farm Philosophy Friday - What Farming Taught Me about Loss & Life

Farm Philosophy Friday - What Farming Taught Me about Loss & Life

I am going to throw in a new type of post for us. 

Farm Philosophy Friday. 

This farm teaches me so much about life, loss, relationships and higher powers that I want to share it with you. 

Maybe I just need to talk. Maybe it will help you. IDK. But, I feel drawn to this. And there's always a good reason that happens...... So...lets go figure that out!


 A few weeks ago, we lost Max. He was the standoffish Livestock Guardian Dog (LGD) that was a wooly booger on his best days. 

Although I was very sad to have lost him, my heart is full of love and happiness towards him. 

It's one of the lessons the farm has taught me.


There is glory, happiness and peace in a life well lived.


The end is inevitable. Unstoppable even. But, the quality of life getting to the end though - there is much to be learned there. 

Before I owned my own farm, loss was gut wrenching, heart breaking, devastating, earth shattering. 

Now, I reflect on the journey. And it makes it easier to comprehend. 

Don't get me wrong, I greatly miss him and others I have lost. I've cried my eyes over their loss. 

But that's my process to acknowledge loss. Cry, then focus on their journey. Their happiness. Their life well lived. 

And then I smile. 

How about you? What is your process? 

Below is a pic of big Max training Koda as a pup. She's now in charge and handling it well. 





I’m so sorry for the loss of your dear Max. Our fur animals are our pride & joy. My loss of my babies have taught me so much thru out my life of each one. It hurt in the beginning but after the sadness goes then the thought of all the great things that I learned make me smile & be glad I had such a kind animal in my life

Cyndy Evans

Good Morning Laura,
Thank you for sharing your thought about Max. Pets are so important to our daily lives. We have 2 dogs & 2 cats. Yes they restrict us from traveling as much as we would like to but the love we get from them makes up for it. We live in Banner Elk and can’t let our pets roam outside, too many predators. Bill was in my Drafting class at Page HS. I am so glad you guys met and it appears that both of you are living your dreams. Bill is one of the most intelligent students I ever had. We were pretty good friends even after he graduated from PHS and UNCG. Sorry that I have not kept this friendship alive. I want to get down to see you guys snd your farm. I have been enjoying your recent blogs about your business. And I want to try some of your products. Hopefully soon I can get to Atlanta. My son has started a business there and I need to get down to see him. You and Bill have a good weekend. I know you will be busy. There is always work to do when you are farming.
Take care,
Bob Hodgin

Bob Hodgin

Laura, I am crying!! Big Max was was wonderful Doggie!! He knew his job, and he did it well. I have a friend who pointed something out to me a few months ago. He took me to Revelation chapter 19, told me to read it, and describe what I read! I did.
Then he asked me, “Do you think those horses are the only animals in God’s Glorious Kingdom?!?!”
I thought about it, and came to the conclusion that No, that couldn’t be.
Then this friend showed me in God’s Holy Word, what God said told Noah.
To my SHOCK, really!! I saw WHAT Our Lord God Almighty said! The animals, AND Mankind, are going to stand before their/our Creator to give an account of what they/we did in this life!!
My Samantha Salem, and my other precious Kittie Babies, your Big Max, and other precious animals that ya’ll have had to say bye bye to, Laura, we are going to see All of our beloved animals again one day!!
I’m sooo very glad this friend showed me what he did in our Lord God Almighty’s Holy Word!!
I just never thought about it before!

Brenda J Jones

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