My Top 2 Dinner Hacks To Save Time & Eat Well

My Top 2 Dinner Hacks To Save Time & Eat Well

I'm no different than ya'll. 

I struggle with meals & family dinner daily.

In fact, it's a joke amongst my friends that it's exhausting feeding "those people" that want to eat every.... single..... day.

I felt so discouraged when we had to eat out because I was too exhausted to cook.

Not to mention, I physically didn't feel so great after that meal out either.

So .... I changed my approach to meals.

I simplified my answer.


Here's my 2 simple meal time hacks that changed dinner time:

  1. Cook small bites/ deconstructed food

  2. Use a timer to cook everything

If you've ever wanted to eat chicken breast but had no brain power left at the end of the day to cook it evenly, cut it into bite size pieces first.

Want a burger but ugh - why do I have to stand by the stove??.....smoosh that burger out and enjoy it deconstructed....or sploadicated, as my family calls it! LOL

Then, set a timer and walk away.

I know that my deconstructed burger or chicken can take 3 minutes on medium heat easily to start.

So, I set a timer for that and walk away.

Enjoying the view with from my porch, chatting with my hubs or checking on the kids.

It helps me wind down at the end of a day and move into family time. 

I can relax in small segments and be happy to know we're eating well easily. 

  • I don't have to stand over the stove
  • I can relax a little and know dinner is working
  • I have peace of mind in what were eating and ....
  • I know I'll feel well when the meal is over

(Insert Happy Dance HERE!) lol

Oh - and did I mention my BONUS Toppers.

YES! Boost your flavors and stay healthy by adding:

  • Microgreens/ Spinach/ Lettuce
  • Fried Egg
  • Avocado
  • Cheese
  • Salsa
  • Fresh Herbs
  • This list is endless!

Meal Time Crisis Solved!

Try my 2 Hacks that make meals manageable again!



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