Jensen Family Recipe - Southern Crab Salad - Easy. Delicious. 5 Ingredients!

Jensen Family Recipe -  Southern Crab Salad - Easy. Delicious. 5 Ingredients!

Now that we offer crab in store...

Bill & I often eat a Jensen family fav....

West Indies Salad

Never heard of it? 

Not many have!

What is it? 

It's a Southern Crab Salad made with precooked crab and 3 other ingredients. 

We love it because it's simple and makes a great snack....or meal! And, there's no wheat or sugar in it - so I can eat it! BONUS!!

And, I swear I see Bill remembering all those grand adventures growing up on the Gulf when he's making melts my heart!

Here's your ingredients:

1 pound can Crab meat, we prefer lump but claw meat can work too

1 medium onion, chopped fine

1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar

1/2 cup Water

1/4 to 1/2 cup Oil (we use our GA Grown Olive Oil from our store)


  • Place all ingredients in a bowl and stir gently so as to keep the lumps in tact. 
  • Refrigerate for 2-12 hours
  • Stir gentle before serving
  • Enjoy!

Refrigerate left overs. 

Yields a little over a pound.

How simple....right? 

Bill and I hope you enjoy it as much as we do! I like it with lettuce, he likes it with crackers. It makes a great appetizer or main course! or snack!

Some variations include: 

- Using vegetable oil instead of pure olive oil so the the color stays the color of the crab

- Add avocado chunks

- Top with parsley

What would you add?

How you ever heard of this? I'd love to hear!




I have not heard of this salad, but sounds yummy.
Thank you for sharing.

Cindy Moseley

Have you added fresh chopped apple to this? This reminds me of a recipe that I used to make for the church.


The memories this brought up in my mind from my home town Mobile. And yes, the days when it was only houses scattered around Gulf Shores in the sixties. Trapping the crabs, cooking and eating West Indies salad. Don’t forget those beautiful shrimp to go with it!

I may have to stop by today to get some crab and make some more memories in north GA.


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