A New Food Movement in America

We're no different than you because we own a farm.
I am tired of the lack of choices for clean, healthy food.
I'm tired of being lied to about what's in our food.
I'm fed up with meat from unknown sources.
So I created my own products. Sourced my own meats. Grow my own pigs.
We're not alone anymore.
There are a ton of people like us out there. I know because you support what I do at Jensen Reserve.
I know because of other vendors and farms that I partner with that have the same standards.
And there are more start-up businesses out there like mine who are creating their own path now, their own products and leading the way for more of us to eat well, eat clean and eat American.
I didn't know that this was the path God intended when he made it clear that it was time to open a store and butcher shop on our farm. I didn't know it meant that we had set out to be a leader in the new food movement. But, you put me there. And I a grateful for the opportunity.
We all know what good food tastes like - because it actually HAS flavor again!
We know that we feel better physically and mentally from eating well raised, high quality foods.
Now that I have found options for us,
I am committed to our new food options.
I am committed to you.
I am committed to our path and continued growth in 2021.
I am committed to offering you the best cuts of beef, pork and chicken available in the US.
And I am committed to growing our own pigs and saving a critically endangered breed while we're at it.
Forging a path is an exciting adventure. Enjoy it with me! ~laura