News — one pot meal

One Pot Roast Recipe. Save Time. Eat Clean,

Laura Jensen

Tags one pot meal, pot roast, recipe

One Pot Roast Recipe. Save Time. Eat Clean,

We all need a hardy go to meal.  Especially when the kids start back to school and the weather cools off.  One of my family favs is pot roast.  Our chuck roast are ideal for this with nice marbling and great flavor.  And, it's a 1 pot dish that I can simplify with our delicious bouillions! Recipe: 1 chuck roast 1 packet Jensen Reserve Onion Soup Mix 1 packet Beef Bouillon  16 oz freshly brewed coffee 16-32 oz water 1 TBSP salt 3 TBSP Olive Oil (only if browning first) Mushroom Salt to taste Potatoes, Rice, Noodles, Cous Cous as...